Thursday, March 31, 2011

Little Mischief

Yes, tomorrow morning I fly south, from the semi-tropical north back into the colder Patagonia. Actually it is autumn here and not very cold yet in the area where I will be. My flight time was changed. It leaves at noon instead of 10 AM… better for me… and with less layover in Buenos Aires. I still should arrive in Neuquen at 7:40 PM in time for the 8 PM service in the city of Plottier.

The Province of Misiones has been a pleasant experience each of the many times I have been here and this was no exception. Every service has been filled with God’s presence. Tonight was very different from the other services. This is a church that was started by “Castelleros” (King’s Castle Youth). Instead of having the service in their small church hall, they acquired the neighborhood “Polideportiva”. (see photo) and 85 people from this humble neighborhood gathered to see the strange old man from the USA with his little gaucho. This was strictly an evangelistic effort by the young enthusiastic Castillero pastor Sergio Miranda and his team. There were many first timers hearing the Gospel message and a large group came forward at the altar call. One was an alcoholic man named Román. I think he really wants to have his chains broken. I know that our faithful God is doing His part. May Román do his part! The church people know where he lives and will follow up on him. I stayed for an hour or so to pray with everyone that had a need, sicknesses, out of work, kids in the hospital (two cases… one was a 3 week old baby girl), husbands bound by alcohol, homes in disarray, etc. One young girl about 16 years old did not want to discuss her problem, but wept so hard that I felt sure that she is either being sexually abused or perhaps pregnant not by choice. So many precious lives struggling there in the darkness! I preached Jesus who said, “I am the Light of the World, he that follows Me will no longer walk in darkness”, (John 8:12) It is interesting to me that this verse immediately follows the story of the adulterous woman who escaped a shameful death and stepped out of her darkness of condemnation into the glorious light of Christ’s freedom and His real love. The religious leaders that dragged her into the temple to trap Jesus in His words did her the best favor of her life. They took her to the only One that could give her a fresh start in life.

A mother had her baby girl in her arms when she came for prayer. The baby reached out her little arms wanting to come to me. So I couldn’t refuse. She was so cute that I asked someone to take our picture. While the guy with the camera was taking aim, little mischief decided to borrow my glasses. (see photo)
