My voice continues to be unusually strong for all its use after preaching six times on the weekend and every night before and since. And my zip still hasn’t zapped yet. There is only one explanation. God is answering your prayers. Thanks for joining the team.
I just got in from another great service in the city of Alem. Many years ago I preached several crusades there and in the surrounding cities. I painted a picture each night in pastel chalks on special art paper to illustrate the message and to serve as a prize for the person who brought the most new people the following night. I did this all over Argentina, but here in several cities in the Province of Misiones the competition was always tense.

Tonight an elderly sister was in the service who had won one of my pictures as a prize for bringing the most new people one night in one of those evangelistic crusades many years ago. She brought the picture with her! It was a representation of Jesus on the shore of the sea of Galilee calling his first disciples. She reminded us that she had brought 54 new people that night and her son was there to confirm it! THIS LADY was a real fisher of men! (See photo of her with me and her son). I remember that night. A brother had brought 40 and had lost it to the lady with 54! I painted another identical picture during the next day and publically presented it to him. It just wasn’t right not to reward him after that effort. I would often have around 100 first timers there every night. Somebody would bring 15, another 20, and others lesser amounts and somebody would win the picture. It was a lot of work carrying around the easel and equipment, but the bottom line is that many people heard the wonderful good news of Jesus for the first time and I think a conservative estimate would be about 75% responded to the altar call. I expect to see a bunch of them in heaven.