This morning in Choele Choel I did a “Good News-Bad News message” for the Sunday School kids with a reversible happy or sad face. Francisco, the 6 year old in the photo was quick as a blink and sharp as a pin.
After SS I drove three hours to Viedma where I just finished another dynamite service. The church was packed to the hilt, about 250 I would guess. I felt that I had a message for Christians tonight and asked if Pastor Raul Diaz would like to give an altar call for the unsaved before I preached. He did a super job of explaining Christ’s loving offer of salvation and 12 people came forward just like that! I sneaked off to one side and captured a shot of Pastor Diaz praying with these new people (photo below).
Many of the AG churches in Argentina are doing a simultaneous “Invasion of God’s Love”. They have printed up attractive folders with a tear off part. They are going house to house, explaining that they are having special prayer at their church and simply asking people if they have any special needs. They fill out the tear off portion with the names and addresses of the people together with their requests. They have been doing this for weeks and have hundreds of serious prayer requests. In a week or so they return to these houses to see if their prayers have been answered. This morning they just completed a 24 hour prayer vigil… taking turns with groups of people praying at the church for these requests around the clock. The result is that miracles are happening and many of these new people are showing up at church.
Recently I have not been taking pictures of the prayer services after the preaching since they almost all look alike, but to me they always comprise a touching sight. Almost the entire church is down on their knees, many sobbing their hearts out in total surrender asking God to give them a new chapter in their lives similar to what He has given me. If I can get a fresh start at 79 years old, who knows what God may do with these younger saints, each with an exciting new chapter!