Sunday, December 12, 2010

Young Lives Cast at the Feet of Jesus

This is La Boca church located in the heart of the ghetto downtown Buenos Aires. It was the first church that Frances and I planted within the city limits. That was 1973-1974. To date 87 ministers and wives have gone out of this church. Below is a shot of the dedication service where I was privileged to preach just two weeks ago, Tuesday night, November 30th. The young people kneeling here are our potential future ministers and spiritual leaders pouring out their lives in total dedication to Christ’s perfect plan. I saw this picture repeated 21 times during November in as many locations. Who knows what God will accomplish through these young lives?!

Please pray for me as I attempt to follow God’s perfect plan for my immediate future! The Argentina field missionaries have officially invited me to return to the land of my calling. I will not be seeking monthly support as I am retired. I will trust God to provide every need. The opportunities for ministry there are literally limitless! And the fire is red hot in my soul!

Ralph Hiatt